Dominicans prefer simple foods, traditional home grown varieties of vegetables and fruits native to the island.  Here are a few examples of some common meals and delightful dishes.

Sancocho (7-Meat Stew)
Served with rice and avocado, this dish consists of large pieces of meat/chicken, tubers, vegetables served in a broth.

Mangu (Plantain Mash)
Cooked and pureed plantains, topped with sautéed onions. Considered a morning food.

Arroz Blanco (White Rice)
White rice is always a staple for any meal.

Habichuelas Guisadas (Stewed Bean)
A savory dish of seasoned red kidney beans cooked till tender, accompanied by rice and chicken.

Pollo Guisado (Braised Chicken)
Chicken cooked to fall off the bone, a favorite with any meal.
Ensalada Verde (Green Salad)
A single plate with sliced tomato, lettuce, cucumbers and topped with sliced onions.  Most Dominicans prefer oil & vinegar, a very healthy choice.

Tostones (Twice-Fried Plantains)
Plantains are hard bananas, commonly knows as tostones.
Cooked in oil, cooled, smashed into flat rounds or oblong shapes then fried again until crispy.  Add salt to taste.

Habichuelas con Dulce (Sweet Cream of Beans)
This is a liquid dessert, made of red beans, cinnamon, nutmeg, coconut milk raisins, butter and sugar.  Traditionally garnished with milk cookies or with casabe, a flatbread made of yucca flour.

These are just a few of the very typical dishes that are made by Dominicans and served at the many Dominican restaurants throughout the island, as well as eaten on a daily basis by the locals, expats and tourists.