
Communications in the Dominican Republic

June 3, 2019

The most affordable way to stay in touch and make calls while in the DR, especially on an extended trip, is to have your own phone number. Head to either a Claro or Altice location–they are sometimes located within a shopping malls or supermarkets–and purchase..

Rules for entering and exiting the Dominican Republic

June 3, 2019

You will need to pay an Entry Fee of $10.00 USD to receive your Tourist Card, your airline usually includes this in the price of your ticket. If you leave within 30 days there are no Exit Fees.  More than 30 days in the Dominican Republic and you will need to check what the Exit Fees are online,

Dominican Republic destinations in the Caribbean

June 3, 2019

Some of the major attractions are year-round golfing, Carnival Dominicana, kite-surfing and a wide variety of other water sports, as well some of the best snorkeling in the Caribbean. With the white sand beaches, crystal clear warm ocean waters and a tropical climate…

Buying Real Estate in Dominican Republic

May 22, 2019

A number of tourists (snow birds), decide to own property on the island as well as rent or own property in their homeland, allowing them the option to fly away, whenever they choose.   There are no restrictions for foreigners buying real estate in the Dominican Republic.

North coast Beaches – Dominican Republic

May 22, 2019

The beaches of the Dominican  Republic are the number one attraction and top of the list for almost all tourists and expats that come to visit, the allure of the crystal clear warm waters may even convince you to stay!
365 days a year, the beach is always open.

North Coast Golf Courses – Dominican Republic

May 22, 2019

 A very popular course is the 18 hole Playa Dorada Golf Course, located in Puerto Plata on the north coast.  It was built in 1979 by Robert Trent Jr. and offers all the quint essentials any golfer would find in a world class golf course, mature palms, coconut and mahogany…

Cabarete Tourism destination – Dominican Republic

May 22, 2019

Cabarete, Dominican Republic welcomes you, a favorite destination for tourists, expats and locals alike. Cabarete is located 11 miles from the International Airport in Puerto Plata, in the north of the island.  This unique sea side beach town is world renowned for wind surfing,

Puerto Plata as Tourist destination- Dominican Republic

May 22, 2019

Puerto Plata is an exciting and welcoming city, with many tourist attractions, as well as shopping, restaurants and beaches.  As a main port to the Dominican Republic it is a busy and active city, but also achieves great places of relaxation and fun for everyone who shares in the experience of this city.

School system In the Dominican Republic

May 22, 2019

School Systems in the dominican Republic.
The Dominican Republic offers a high standard of quality education within the public, private, religious and International school systems. The education system is free and compulsory at difference levels. Pre-schoolers enroll from age 3 – 6 years old…